Upton House School, Windsor celebrates NACE Challenge Award second accreditation
Upton House School is the 160th school to be accredited for the second time with the NACE Challenge Award by The National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE). The award is given in recognition of school-wide commitment to high-quality provision for more able learners, within the context of challenge for all.
NACE CEO Rob Lightfoot said: “Upton House School has worked hard to attain reaccreditation through the NACE Challenge Award. It has displayed a continued commitment to develop an environment in which all learners are challenged and supported to be the best they can be.” NACE’s assessor reported: “The school has a culture of high expectations … where high achievement is expected and there is a culture of celebration, positive feedback and healthy competition. There is an extremely broad balanced curriculum and … a strong culture of promoting lifelong learning and encouraging pupils to aspire to academic success alongside an emphasis on promoting wellbeing.”
To find out how your child can thrive at Upton House or to book a personal tour, call 01753 862610 or visit www.uptonhouse.org.uk
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