All our fees for each year of Upton House School can be found in the documents below.

If you would like to request a printed copy or have any questions about the fees and how to pay, please contact the Finance Team using our online contact form.

To pay for any fees or deposits, please go to our Secure Online Payments Page.


Early Education Funding

 30 Hours Early Education Funding

Upton House School is accepted by the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead (RBWM) as a provider of Early Years education and pupils are therefore eligible to receive their 30 hours Early Education Funding (EEF) for 2-year-olds of working families and all 3 to 4-year-olds.

Upton House offers pupils access to their free entitlement in three-hour sessions as part of the longer session that is 8:30am-12:00pm.  You will be charged an additional charge for the time over 3 hours per morning session.

Further information can be found here.

Parent Declaration Form


The easy way to pay independent school fees


With School Fee Plan or Orchard Funding you can pay your school fees by monthly direct debit.




Upton House School is an Introducer Appointed Representative of Orchard Funding Ltd which is a lender authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with number 725315. Company number 06656377 registered at 222 Armstrong Road Luton LU2 0FY.  Instalment credit option subject to terms, conditions, and acceptance.

Discounts & Bursaries

The school offers discounts for siblings and there is also a discount available for payment of fees one or more years in advance.  Limited scholarship discounts are also available on assessment and parents who are interested in applying for a scholarship should contact the Registrar in the first instance. 

Upton House offers a bursary scheme, subject to means testing and available funds, for families unable to afford the full fee or in cases of sudden or unexpected hardship. The School’s bursary policy can be read here.   Application forms are available from the School Office.

Additional Information

  • Fees are payable before the first day of each term. All payments must be made in pounds sterling (£), by credit transfer directly into the School’s bank account, by debit or credit card using the online payment link in the Parents Section or by cheque. Details are given on the invoice. Cash can only be accepted in exceptional circumstances. Interest is chargeable on late payment from the date the fees are due. Fees may be varied from time to time.
  • Alternatively,  fees may be paid by monthly direct debit, via a third-party scheme.  The school is aware of two companies that offer this facility (see links above). The School operates a 'Composition Fee Scheme' whereby parents can pay a lump sum in advance. Full details are available from the Finance Manager.
  • Registration fees are non-returnable, and may be varied from time to time.
  • Deposits are credited at the end of the pupil’s final term at school, against any fees or extras outstanding. Deposits are forfeit if a pupil does not take up a place that has already been accepted, or if the pupil is expelled. Deposits may be varied from time to time.
  • Parents’ attention is drawn to the School’s terms and conditions, detailed in the Parent Contract.  A copy is available from the School Office.
  • All enquiries and correspondence concerning fees should be addressed in the first instance to the Finance Manager at the School.